Dark Shadows is an animated film by Tim Burton, and it has to be seen to be believed. It's dark and moody, but at the same time it's got a lot of laughs. You may be thinking that all of Tim Burton's films are dark and gloomy, well Dark Shadows is a departure from that because it's a funny movie with a bit of comedy.
Dark Shadows is set in London in 1920, and it follows the story of a young woman called Edith who is trying to save her family's money and hide from her husband when he's out with his mistress. The story is so good it almost seems like an autobiography. It's got amazing acting from Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Gambon and Jude Law. The only real problem is that it takes place during the Great Depression.
Overall I found that Dark Shadows was a very entertaining film. It wasn't too long or too short and it really did provide a good amount of entertainment. However the only real problem is that it didn't really have a big budget, which is probably why it didn't get much support from the studio. However the movie is a great watch, and I recommend it for anyone that likes films with a dark tone. I would recommend this to anyone that likes dark comedies or films that are very romantic in nature.